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Donning and doffing of PPE

This video demonstrates donning droplet and contact PPE.

The first thing as always is hand hygiene.

Make sure you’re not wearing any jewellery, and that your nails are clean and short. When you’re washing your hands make sure to get all surfaces, thumbs, interlacing the fingers, the fingertips, the front and back and the wrists. Keep rubbing until the hands are fully dry. 

Next we will put on the gown. 

Slowly unravel the gown to make sure the gown doesn’t fall to the floor. Make sure to tie both knots at the top and the lower back. It’s important to tie the knot at the lower back because otherwise when you lean over the gown may open and touch any soiled materials.

Procedural mask

Now we will wear our procedural mask. Because we are doing droplet and contact precaution we can wear a procedural mask with an attached visor, or we would wear the procedural mask with other eye protection. When wearing the procedural mask make sure to pinch at the bridge of the nose with both hands to mould it to your face.

For eye protection we will be using a face shield. There are many types of face shield; this is one that may be offered on your unit. For this face shield make sure the three squares at the top are placed on the forehead.


Last but not least we’ll be putting on our gloves. Make sure to wear gloves that are your size, and when you put them on make sure that they cover the cusps of both sides of the gown.

Now we are ready to enter the room and provide care

LMIC Solution

Video from Masanga Hospital, in Sierra Leone. Training video for putting on PPE for COVID-19 patients.

CDC Demonstration of Donning (Putting On) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Sources & links

  • Masanga Hospital | Link
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