Infographic: COVID-19 in care homes

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Residents in care homes — often elderly and frail — are a particularly vulnerable population group.
In a number of European countries, deaths in care homes represent 30-60% of all COVID-19-related deaths.
Early testing of all residents and staff is key.
Local and national programmes for monitoring, testing, and infection prevention and control in care homes can:
- Identify outbreaks early
- Decrease the spread within and between facilities
- Reduce the size and severity of outbreaks
In addition to testing, meticulous adherence to hygiene measures for infection prevention and control is essential.
Visits to residents in care homes should also be limited to the absolute minimum.
ECDC is supporting EU/EEA Member States in the development of COVID-19 surveillance at care homes and has issued guidance on infection prevention and control.
Remember! Call your loved ones and stay in touch.