As explained ICM is remarkably simple, as simplicity is the only effective way to respond to crisis. Introducing further complication to the complex environment of a crisis simply does not work.
Think of it like this; as you walk into your kitchen tonight to make yourself a pizza, you discover that you cannot, due to several reasons. There is no flour, or the cooker no longer works, it could be that bugs have eaten your flour, or the cooker is broken, or the gas is not flowing. It really does not matter what the cause is, as your pizza plans are now in crisis.
At this point you can apply ICM following the 8 R’s method. So, what are the 8 R’s?
- Redefine (Question the question). What is your aim, is it to make a pizza or just to get some nourishment?
- Reprioritise (Set new goals). Having decided your aim, reprioritise your objectives to meet your aim.
- Remove (Stop doing the unnecessary). What do you need to achieve now, to meet your new aim? Remove, delay or cease doing anything that can you affect your resources, structures or effort.
- Repurpose (Bring together what you have). Being clear what your aim is now requires you to identify the true resources you have into one response.
- Respond (Act, crisis will not wait for you). Having recognised the need to repurpose to achieve your new aim, you now need to act to match the event pace and to get in front of the adverse impact being created by crisis.
- Re-energise (Visualise success). Clearly visualise what success looks like to your patients, you, your family, your team, your organisation, your county and globally and build support to achieve your success. No decision in isolation
- Review (Constant checking). Always review your aims, goals, objectives, resources and drive to achieve your new response.
- Repeat (Start back at the question). Follow the process again to ensure you remain on track to deliver your aims, goals, objectives and that you have the resources to deliver. this should be repeated depending on the crisis need.
Constantly ask yourself this question;
“Have your aims failed due to the lack of effort or to lack of understanding of the challenge?”
Repeated crisis strategic, tactical and operational failures can be shown to be created through a lack of true understanding of the challenge.