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Strategies for managing surge & increasing hospital capacity

Strategies for managing surge capacity: increasing hospital capacity

  • Converting wards typically used for other reasons into COVID-19 treatment wards
  • Cancelling elective procedures and surgeries (at least 1 week prior to patient surge)
  • Shifting outpatient appointments to other times or settings. This may be particularly useful for chronic disease, for example
  • Community Health Workers (CHWs) distribute medication refills
  • Phone or text messaging for virtual appointments instead of in-person consultation
  • Consider increasing the time duration between follow up visits for stable patients; ensure they are given sufficient quantities of medications until their next visit
  • Shift non-COVID-19 inpatients to alternate treatment sites, for example:
    • Malnutrition treatment to health centres or local community settings or CHW supported
    • Transition patients on long courses of antibiotics to oral antibiotics and discharge home
    • Move all routine hospital outpatient visits (e.g. antenatal care, under 5s) to primary care centres to repurpose outpatient space for inpatient or isolation beds
    • Identify alternate treatment sites for mild cases (churches, hotels, schools, etc.) with local authorities
  • If several beds can be freed from each ward, wards can be combined to create an empty space for COVID-19 treatment
  • These approaches require a multidisciplinary team, including physicians, nurses, midwives, CHWs, facilities managers, and hospital administration
  • Allocation of advanced care services may become necessary for treatment such as oxygen therapy or ventilation. There are two key recommendations to consider:
    • Plan in advance: This is critical to ensure equity and to protect staff from making very difficult decisions without support
    • Focus on saving the most amount of lives and likelihood of survival from COVID-19: Allocation systems which incorporate factors such as age, gender, social or economic characteristics, or other illnesses may lead to inequity and be difficult to apply. In addition, some of these (e.g. age) will already impact likelihood of survival and therefore are inherently included

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Preparing the room for COVID-19 patients

Introduction / overview

Preparations/setting up the patient room (bed station)

  • Windows and doors of the room must be kept closed with a HEPA filter in operation
  • Set up the room and protective equipment according to checklists (see below)
  • Attach the “COVID-19 positive patient” signs to the patient room
  • Restricted access in positive cases
  • The cleaning service is informed by the ward management. The management of the cleaning service is responsible for the implementation of disinfection measures

Isolation room checklist

  • Disinfectant gel, powder and wipes
  • Two separate areas (clean and dirty zone, e.g. two trolleys)
  • Laundry and waste containers with lids
  • Garbage and laundry bags (yellow and red; double bag system)
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Overshoes (yellow; blue with defined exceptions)
  • Respirator masks FFP2/FFFP3/N95/KN95, fit check; containers for storage
  • Safety glasses
  • Surgical caps
  • Decongestant
  • Waterproof pen
  • Mobile equipment trolley (ejecting blood tubes etc.)
  • Vital sign monitoring device (with pulse oximeter and blood pressure monitor), thermometer, stethoscope, glucometer, if necessary
  • Bed linen, terry towels, blankets, nightgown, pillow, incontinence material, mesh pants, disposable towels and cloths
  • Disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, spatula, mug, cotton swab, spatula, kidney cups, disposable mouthpiece
  • Oxygen connection with adapter and nasal cannula if necessary
  • Sharps container for used syringes, opened glass vials, and other sharp objects
  • Wall clock, furniture (bedside table, table, chair)

List of items needed for treatment centre

Gather together the medical equipment you need to test and treat COVID-19 patients

The following table is a list of medical items you will need in the following hospital areas:

  • Secondary screening area
  • Presumptive COVID-19 area
  • COVID-19 ward
  • Critical care area
Durable EquipmentSecondary Screening AreaPresumptive COVID-19 AreaCOVID-19 WardCritical Care Area
Scales, adult and paediatricXXX
Thermometer infraredXXXX
Pulse oximeterXXXX
VS machines/BP cuffXXXX
Cardiac monitorsX
Infusion pumpsX
Beds with washable mattressXXX
Pillows (washable)XXX
Plastic chairsXXXX
Waste binXXXX
Nurse station/provider station tableXXXX
Pharmacy tableXXX
Pharmacy cabinetXXX
Medication trolleyXXX
White board with markers for patient trackingXXX
Laryngoscope, various sizesX
Light for clinical examsXXXX
Clock with second handXXXX
Suction machineX
Oxygen source – 02 tanks vs 02 concentratorXXX
CONSUMABLESSecondary Screening AreaPresumptive COVID-19 AreaCOVID-19 WardCritical Care Area
Non-sterile glove – smallXXXX
Non-sterile glove – mediumXXXX
Non-sterile glove – largeXXXX
Bar soap + water sourceXXXX
Hand sanitizerXXXX
Bio hazard bagXXXX
Sterile gloves, assorted sizesX
IV cannula 18 – 24 gaugeXXX
IV tubing, 15-20 drops/ccXXX
IV tubing, 60 drops/ccXXX
Nasal cannula, paediatric and adultXXX
O2 mask, paediatric and adultXXX
O2 mask, non- rebreather, paediatric and adultXXX
Adhesive tapeXXXX
Bag, urinal drainage, with non-return valve and tap, sterile, 85cm tube, 2000mLXXX
Nasogastric tubes for adults and childrenXXX
Foley catheter 12Fr and 16FrXXX
Needle, 18G, 21G and 25GXXX
Spacer for inhalersXXX
Syringes, 5ml, 10ml and 20 mlXXX
Cotton wool, 500g rollXXX
Wristband, patient identificationXXX
Body bagXXX
Sharps container, 3 gallonXXX
Tablet bag, resealable, with pictogram, 80mm x 100mmXXX
Underpad, tissue, 3 ply, 17in x 24in (chux)XXX
Bag, specimen transport, 6in x 9inXXX
Tube, blood collection, heparin, green top Vacutainer tubes caseXXX
Tube, blood collection, K3 EDTA (K3E), 15% solution, lavender top, 6mLXXX
Tube, blood collection, serum, silicone coated, red top, 6mLXXX
HIV rapid testsXXX
Hemocue microcuvettesXXX
Glucometer stripsXXX

(only if site capable of mechanical ventilation)
Viral filter for ventilator circuitX
Ventilator circuitX
Ambu bag, adult, paediatric and neonatalX
Endotracheal tube – 4.0 – 8.0X
Information courtesy of Partners In Health

Screening, testing & isolation of inpatients

Introduction / overview

COVID-19 is highly infectious. Infection control and prevention are critical to protect patients and staff. Administrative controls, environmental controls and personal protection are all key elements of a safe environment. All of these controls rely on vigilance for suspected cases and safe screening, testing and isolating confirmed cases.

Initial screening

  • Separate screening area outside of healthcare facility or at hospital entrance
  • All patients entering healthcare facility are screened for fever, cough, SOB, known contact of COVID-19 patient, or recent travel that may place them at risk
  • Screener should wear full PPE
  • If initial screen positive:
    • Immediately place face mask on patient and provide patient with alcohol based hand sanitiser
    • Direct patient to triage & testing area

Triage & testing

  • Secondary screening space should be separated from other patients
  • Providers should don full PPE and observe contact and droplet precautions
  • Follow protocols for specimen collection for laboratory testing
  • Asymptomatic patients may be directed home with follow up and to self-isolate pending test results
  • Symptomatic patients may be admitted to isolation area per protocol

Suspected / probable cases of COVID-19

There should be separate isolation areas for suspected or probable cases who have not yet been confirmed to have COVID-19.

  • When a patient comes to a facility with symptoms consistent with COVID-19, known contact with COVID-19, or a history of travel, it is important that IPAC is adhered to. There are two levels of isolation:
    • Asymptomatic suspected/probable cases: Known contact or travel history, but no symptoms. Once tested asymptomatic suspected cases may return home with close follow up and instructions to self-isolate pending test results
    • Symptomatic suspected/probable cases: Should be evaluated clinically for admission and separated from asymptomatic patients pending the test result
  • Presumptive case areas for suspected or probable cases should be separated into low and high risk areas depending on clinical suspicion

Isolation for confirmed positive patients OR highly symptomatic suspected / probable cases

These patients should be moved immediately to the isolation unit.

General practices and procedures

  • Providers should move from asymptomatic to symptomatic and finally to confirmed patients
  • Limit transport and movement of patients. When transport is necessary don clean PPE, place face mask on patient, and follow respiratory/hygiene etiquette
  • The isolation area must be a separate enclosed space removed from other patients
  • Equipment (stethoscope, BP cuff, pulse oximeter) must remain in the room and must be cleaned and disinfected between each patient (e.g., by using ethyl alcohol 70%)
  • No visitors for suspected or confirmed patients (see exceptions below) as a strategy to help conserve PPE. All parents must wear PPE and can remain with a child as a caregiver
  • Once patient is in the isolation area they cannot leave except to a dedicated bathroom for isolated patients, movement within the hospital per healthcare provider, or discharge
  • Maintain a record of all persons entering a patient’s room or isolation space, including all staff and visitors

Covid-19 triage & screening flowcharts

Cohorting of COVID-19 positive patients & staff

Cohort areas

If a single/isolation room is not available, cohort possible or confirmed respiratory infected patients with other patients with suspected/probable or confirmed COVID-19. Use privacy curtains between the beds to minimise opportunities for close contact. Where possible, a designated self-contained area or wing of the healthcare facility should be used for the treatment and care of patients with COVID-19. This area should:

  • Include a reception area that is separate from the rest of the facility and should, if feasible, have a separate entrance/exit from the rest of the building
  • Not be used as a thoroughfare by other patients, visitors or staff, including patients being transferred, staff going for meal breaks, and staff and visitors entering and exiting the building
  • Be separated from non-segregated areas by closed doors
  • Have signage displayed warning of the segregated area to control entry

Hospitals should consider creating cohort areas which differentiate the level of care required. It may also be prudent to consider:

  • The need for cohorting in single/mixed sex wards/bays
  • Underlying patient conditions (e.g., immunocompromised)
  • Age groups when cohorting children
  • Routine childhood vaccination status when cohorting children

 Staff cohorting

Assigning a dedicated team of staff to care for patients in isolation/cohort rooms/areas is an additional infection control measure. This should be implemented whenever there are sufficient levels of staff available (so as not to have a negative impact on unaffected patients’ care).

Maintain consistency in staff allocation where possible and reduce movement of staff and the cross over of care pathways where feasible between planned and elective care pathways and urgent and emergency care pathways. Wherever possible, reduce staff movement between different areas.

Staff who have had confirmed COVID-19 and have recovered should continue to follow the infection control precautions, including personal protective equipment (PPE).

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Low and Middle Income Country COVID-19 solutions

Managing COVID-19 in resource limited settings: critical care considerations

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has now involved numerous low and middle income countries (LMICs). The healthcare systems in LMICs face serious constraints in capacity and accessibility during normal times. This would be aggravated during an outbreak, leading to worse clinical outcomes. Moreover, 69% of the global population aged 60 and above live in LMICs. These older persons are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 and mortality.

LMICs may lack time and resources for swift uptake of new technologies (e.g., rapid test kits, vaccines, and antivirals). From a more urgent and pragmatic perspective, we believe creative use of existing resources and repurposing others for humane medical care are needed (see tables below). We acknowledge that our suggestions may be perceived as controversial, and we wish to emphasize that maximisation of conventional healthcare assets should always be done before turning to unconventional solutions.


Anticipation of an impending outbreak helps with vital preparation. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is little time to construct new infrastructure. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended airborne isolation, but isolation facilities are limited. Industrial exhaust fans have been used to convert existing normal pressure single rooms to negative pressure rooms to increase isolation [2]. This approach is relatively quick and may be used for creating more negative pressure intensive care unit (ICU) beds. Alternatively, confirmed cases can be cohorted in open ICUs with adequate ventilation.

Opening field hospitals in large public spaces (e.g., stadiums) allows for triaging and managing stable patients and decongesting other hospitals. Local networks between smaller district hospitals and larger tertiary centres can be established to facilitate patient transfers, as smaller hospitals can be easily overwhelmed. Well patients with COVID-19, instead of being quarantined in hospitals, can be quarantined in specially designated facilities, such as a hotel. If communication systems are available, well patients could be sent home and monitored remotely.

Makeshift acute or critical care units can be set up in operating theatres and clinic spaces to cope with increasing numbers of critically ill patients. This can be achieved by reducing non-essential services such as elective surgeries and outpatient clinics.

Resource limitation: infrastructure

Specific challenges

Limited number of isolation beds (negative pressure and normal pressure) for suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients.

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Central monitoring of bed numbers for better visibility and allocation
  • Inclusion of private hospitals and military hospitals in total bed count
  • Transforming clinics into inpatient care units
  • Home as hospital concept with healthcare workers (HCWs) monitoring less ill patients in the community using telemedicine
  • Mounting fever tents outside emergency departments to better triage and segregate symptomatic patients
  • Utilize military hospital assets (land-based units; hospital ships)
  • Use diesel-based electrical generators to cope with energy demands
  • Early engagement of community leaders
  • Isolating communities instead of individuals in cases of local outbreaks

Repurposing other resources for humane medical care

  • Opening field hospitals by converting public facilities (e.g., sports facilities, stadiums, soccer fields) and building open tents to house non-critically ill patients and those who cannot stay at home. Use of industrial fans in these spaces to ensure good ventilation
  • Tap on portable power and solar generators for electricity to run medical equipment
  • Conversion of public and commercial facilities (e.g., hotel rooms, chalets, hostels) into quarantine facilities for well patients
  • Mobilizing the community and restaurants to help prepare and deliver food for HCWs and patients in quarantine facilities
  • Use of industrial exhaust fans to convert single rooms with normal pressure to negative pressure rooms for isolation in hospitals, especially for ICU
  • Conversion of veterinary hospitals and deploying medical personnel to accept non-critically ill patients
  • Cohort all confirmed cases in well-ventilated open cubicles to free-up isolation beds for suspected cases

Patient monitoring or testing

For LMICs, focused testing on symptomatic patients instead of random screening would place less strain on the healthcare system. Rapid test kits are an option to allow LMICs to perform diagnostic tests faster, but this would require international health organizations to transfer knowledge and test kits. It may be necessary to isolate an entire community for containment.

Radiological investigations and laboratory support would also be stretched beyond capacity. Physicians may need to rely mainly on bedside clinical examination. If available, bedside point-of-care ultrasonography can yield significant amounts of information. Early clinical detection and admission to the correct facility can help with right-siting before confirmatory tests are out, reducing nosocomial and community spread. Simple scoring systems, such as the qSOFA score, can be harnessed to detect deteriorating patients [3].

Resource limitation: monitoring/testing

Specific challenges

  • Limited number of accredited test labs/sites, especially in suburbs and regional hospitals
  • Lack of point-of-care-certified test kits on the frontlines and in the community
  • Lack of sufficient mobile test sites/clinics

Optimal use of existing resources

  • International health organizations should coordinate rapid technology transfer to LMICs. Allowance and early acceptance of rapid test kits
  • Provide 1 low-cost thermometer per family unit for self-monitoring of temperature
  • Rely on clinical parameters and examination rather than blood tests to preserve lab capacity (e.g., capillary refill time instead of lactate, qSOFA score to predict deterioration)
  • Noninvasive manual methods, e.g., manual BP rather than IA lines; SpO2 rather than ABG
  • Point-of-care ultrasound rather than X-rays/CT scans

Repurposing other resources for humane medical care

  • Usage of veterinary facilities including animal devices used for patient monitoring and animal ultrasound devices
  • Mobilise military forces, community partners, schools, and volunteers to help establish mobile test sites for symptomatic patients. These patients can be issued a stay-home notice after the test. Establish a call-centre to rapidly inform patients of results and follow-up action (e.g., contact-tracing)


Hospital ventilators will likely be in shortfall. To supplement ventilators, anesthesia units in operating theatres and transport ventilators can be used. Improvised continuous airway pressure (iCPAP) ventilation systems [4] or bubble continuous airway pressure for children [5] can be employed when there is a dire shortage. The addition of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to the expiratory limb of the circuit can help minimize aerosolisation if the ventilator does not have a closed circuit. Other creative approaches include splitting a ventilator to support several patients simultaneously by using T-tubes and pressure-cycled ventilation [6,7,8].

Proning positioning has been reported to work in critically ill COVID-19 patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome [1]. Patients who are moderately hypoxaemic can be proned early to improve oxygenation if oxygen supplies are limited, presumably even if they are not invasively ventilated [9]. Other approaches to save ICU resources include using enteral vasopressors, such as midodrine for hypotensive patients, instead of intravenous formulations [10]. In states of emergencies, veterinary supplies, such as cleaning solutions, syringe pumps, and even ventilators, could be mobilised to augment hospital stocks.

Ultimately, there still needs to be fair and ethical resource stewardship [11].

Resource limitation: treatment

Specific challenges

  • Insufficient ICU ventilators
  • Insufficient oxygen supply
  • Insufficient medications

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Use transport ventilators and anesthesia units
  • Splitting ventilators (i.e., attaching up to 4 COVID-19 patients to the same ventilator), using pressure cycling rather than volume cycling, and with continuous mandatory ventilation
  • Improvised CPAP (iCPAP) to replace invasive ventilation
  • Using bag-valve-ETT with PEEP valves
  • Use portable oxygen concentrators rather than tanks, especially in field hospitals
  • Early use of prone positioning if oxygenation needs exceed available inspired oxygen supply, even in patients who are not on invasive mechanical ventilation
  • Enteral hydration, vasopressors (e.g., NG midodrine), antimicrobials rather than using intravenous formulations
  • Avoid expending resources on experimental therapies

Repurposing other resources for human medical care

  • Non-medical factories or production lines to manufacture medical equipment like face masks, ventilators, monitoring devices, and intravenous fluids
  • Usage of suitable veterinary equipment, e.g., ventilators, IV pumps, and approved drugs, e.g., analgesics, antibiotics, and consumables for wound care

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

HCWs working on the frontlines need to be protected adequately, or they risk being infected with COVID-19 and even dying [12]. This is also applicable to personnel such as ambulance drivers and military troops. PPE can be reused to reduce waste [13] and preserve existing stocks. Certain types of PPE like goggles may be shared after disinfection. Deploying reusable powered air-purifying respirators is an option. Other innovative approaches include testing, validating, and assembling simple reusable elastometric respirators to replace N95 respirators [14].

If prior infection can be proven to confer immunity, other approaches to reduce PPE use can include deploying convalescent HCWs to care for confirmed COVID-19 patients and enrolling convalescent patients to volunteer in healthcare.

Resource limitation: personal protective equipment (PPE)

Specific challenges:

  • Insufficient PPE

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Re-use surgical masks and goggles
  • Sharing of certain types of PPE like googles after disinfection
  • Ultraviolet light decontamination of medical equipment, re-used surgical masks and goggles
  • Use washable gowns and gloves
  • Use alcohol-based rubs and spirits rather than clean water, which may be in short supply
  • Assemble reusable elastometric respirators to replace N95 respirators

Repurposing other resources for human medical care

  • Use protective face masks, respirators, and gowns from other industries, e.g., food industries, manufacturing plants, construction, and mining
  • Getting factories and production lines to manufacture PPE


To cope with healthcare demands, active recruitment and training of healthcare personnel should be done concurrently. Besides recalling HCWs on leave, recruitment and redeployment from different sectors (e.g., dentists, paramedics, medical students, military personnel) and even recalling retired personnel may be required. Laypeople, including carers, can be recruited into the hospital after training to provide basic care for patients. Task shifting should also be considered among nurses and doctors; for example, surgeons can be taught simple ventilator care. Sharing simple treatment protocols will aid those who have been redeployed.

Resource limitation: personnel

Specific challenges:

  • Insufficient staff

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Enlisting of dentists, paramedical personnel, village health attendants
  • Enlisting of military medical personnel
  • Enlisting of medical, nursing, and allied health students to help with pandemic medical treatment
  • Designate convalescent HCWs to provide care for confirmed COVID-19 patients
  • Enlist convalescent patients to volunteer at as health attendants

Repurposing other resources for human medical care

  • Enlisting veterinary HCWs and medical students by providing them with crash courses to help stem personnel shortages in hospitals
  • Enlisting non-medical personnel to act as health attendants, e.g., to do temperature taking and man screening stations. This will relieve workload of existing healthcare personnel


In a large-scale pandemic, crucial information about the disease and workflows are constantly evolving. There is a need for information to be disseminated and assimilated rapidly on the ground to prevent delays. An agile system of information dissemination should include mobile phones via text messages or emails and paper-based mailers. Protocols and checklists will also help in standardizing medical care and reducing wastage.

Resource limitation: information

Specific challenges:

  • Uncertainty and confusion over testing, triage, and treatment

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Setting up protocols and checklists to standardized medical care that are simple, easy to teach. Avoid overuse of non-evidence-based methods
  • Promotion of simplified evidence-based scores for risk stratification, e.g., qSOFA for LMICs
  • Encourage uptake of teleconferencing platforms to discuss and learn about new updates from international medicine communities

Repurposing other resources for human medical care

  • Use mobile/SMS technology to provide simple policy and health updates to HCWs/public, besides emails and paper-based mailers


Harnessing non-medical transport services, such as private-hire and public vehicles and military vehicles, can help improve accessibility to healthcare in LMICs. These vehicles can help ferry unwell patients from the suburbs to regional or central hospitals and reduce delays to medical care. A caveat would be that these transport vehicles need to be thoroughly cleaned following transport [15].

Resource limitation: transport

Specific challenges:

  • Insufficient transport options for patients

Optimal use of existing resources

  • Inclusion of public, commercial, and military healthcare transport vehicles

Repurposing other resources for human medical care

• Getting nonmedical transport services to become ambulances

Sources & links

Table Data | Link

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Potentially useful tools

Below are potentially useful tools for dealing with COVID-19 in a hospital setting.

DISCLAIMER: At the time of writing the solutions shown have not yet undergone clinical trials, but are mentioned here as potentially useful tools.

1. Aerosol box

This prototype design for an aerosol box shield originated from the heightened risk of contamination during aerosol generating procedures.

The aim is to decrease hazard to those performing these procedures (the anaesthetist, nurses, surgeons and other healthcare workers) when intubating and extubating patients who are

  • COVID-19 positive
  • Contacts of these patients and
  • Possibly all patients who require these procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Originally designed in Taiwan, a group of Irish designers and medical professionals expanded on the design.

Its purpose is to sit over the patient’s head during the procedure, with an opening at the cranial end for the clinician’s hands and an opening at the caudal end to give access to the various medical devices being used with the patient.

One version has hand-holes for the clinicians hands to go through at the cranial end. This will give a strong physical barrier between the patient and the clinician. Another version has a wider slotted opening which can be covered by a transparent surgical sheet which may give greater freedom of movement during a procedure.


The intention for this project is to protect healthcare workers in a time of crisis. We are opening the design to the world so that other designers can take and expand on this design for the benefit of society.

DISCLAIMER: We can give no guarantees as to its efficacy and it must be tested in your local region and approved by those with the responsibility of care before being used in the treatment of a patient.


YouTube | Link

2. Vanessa capsule

‘Vanessa’ Capsule

The ‘Vanessa’ capsule was developed in Brazil to allow non-invasive ventilation (intubation) of patients and, consequently, to reduce the risk of contamination by healthcare professionals. The model works as a wrap for non-invasive ventilation and is produced in a light and resistant frame formed by PVC pipes, which can be easily handled and sanitized.

It is coated with a transparent vinyl film, for a better visualization of the patient and to assist in contagion containment. In addition, it is equipped with an exhaust fan and a BiPAP-type air compressor – short for BI-level Positive Airway Pressure (positive pressure in the airways at two levels) – and with an HMED filter, for controlling the temperature and oxygen humidity and antibacterial and antiviral action.

The filter produces a negative pressure inside the capsule, preventing the release of aerosols and contamination of the air. Access to the patient is made through windows with zippered openings, allowing to monitor, feed and medicate without the need for direct patient contact with health professionals.

The ‘Vanessa’ capsule, developed by doctors and physiotherapists from the Samel group, together with professionals from the Transire Institute. The technology was named in honour of the first patient hospitalized with the new coronavirus in the Samel network, who needed to receive orotracheal intubation, an invasive procedure that can now be avoided with the capsule.

Algorithm for drug treatment for patients with COVID-19

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Connecticut, Yale School of Medicine (YSM) Department of Internal Medicine pulled together a group of experts across many specialties to create a treatment algorithm for patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19.

Led by infectious disease physicians, the COVID-19 treatment team created a treatment plan for non-severe and severe disease for use across Yale New Haven Health. Additionally, the updated algorithm includes a list of recommended medications, along with rationale for use, notable adverse reactions, and other considerations.

“Since this is a new virus, we created this plan based on accessible information, clinical observations and personal communications with other experts … We are sharing our algorithm now in hopes to help others with patient care.”

Maricar Malinis, MD, FACP, FIDSA, FAST Associate Professor of Medicine



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Sources & links

  • Yale School of Medicine | COVID-19 Adult Treatment Algorithm from YALE School of Medicine | Link

Managing cancer surgery during COVID-19

Mr Henry Tilney, Consultant General Surgeon MBBS MD FRCS (Gen Surg), discusses in two videos the challenges of managing cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

My name is Henry Tillney, I’m a general and colorectal surgeon at Frimley Park Hospital in the UK, I’m going to talk a little bit about how we are trying to manage our cancer services, and specifically cancer surgery during the COVID crisis.

The fact of the matter is clearly that COVID-19 has become an all-consuming problem which is overtaking lots of our hospitals all over the world, and there’s a very real risk to many of our minds that patients who form the bulk of the rest of our work load, and indeed still the bulk of the workload for healthcare systems around the country could run the risk of being left out in the cold, and to an extent ignored while all of the focus of many people’s efforts is on managing the COVID crisis.

We were afraid this if cancer patients particularly don’t receive surgery in a timely manner then it might disadvantage them in that in the long term. But in addition to that there’s a whole range of other medical specialties in whom patients could come to harm; that includes cardiovascular services, vascular surgery, obstetrics, mental health. A whole ranges of problems which if not dealt with adequately during the COVID crisis could cause a second peak of mortality which could be an order of magnitude higher than that which is experienced in the COVID pandemic itself.

To that end we’ve helped to devise some strategies for providing clean, urgent surgical centres to manage patients during the COVID crisis, and the key on this I think is to is to provide a zone within a hospital, or a separate hospital which is as we can make it free from COVID.

But I think that we all have to accept that there is no such thing as a completely COVID free environment, all we can do is to minimize the risk to our patients, and we know that developing code in the COVID perioperative period or indeed harbouring asymptomatic COVID before an operation could be very harmful for the individual patient.

In some instances into our hospitals are given over to to ‘cold operating’ and in other situations it seems quite reasonable to create a ‘clean zone’, for want of a better term, within an existing acute hospital. But there has to be very strict separation of services and to an extent some duplication of services between areas so that patients are protected as far as possible.

Our view is the patient should be screened before admission, certainly with swabs after a period of self isolation and probably with a CT scan of the chest to try to pick up asymptomatic COVID disease.

Surgeons and other staff including anaesthetist and nursing staff should be isolated from the hot area for a number of days prior to entering the cold area, and staff swabbing and testing is also sensible.

We also have to accept that we need to provide equity between specialties and equity within specialties; there are some people who over the course of months are unlikely to progress and come to any harm from having their surgery deferred, and there are radiological guides that we can use to help to select those patients in whom a period of waiting, especially if they have medical comorbidities, might be more appropriate than being exposed to the increased risk of surgery during this period.

There’s another group who would come to harm if not operated on in the short term, and for them providing urgent surgery during this period is essential.

So I think the priority in prioritizing patients within specialties is essential so that we can operate on that group who do need surgery, and we can accept that there may be slightly increased risk to them from receiving an operation in the current period. But also we can prioritize the high-risk patients within a group.

We can also help to identify different specialties, where there may be a cohort of patients who have higher priority than for instance my specialty, which was be dealing with colorectal cancer. So there may be renal tumours that need to be done more quickly, and we need to provide the limited resource to that group of patients rather than simply spending all the effort on that on our own specialties.

I think that one of the keys in this area is to have a clinical prioritization group which can help to deliver services between different groups and maintain some equity in access to the elective operating sites, so that the right patients get operated on at the right time, with the appropriate support.

It’s only in this way that we can allow the precious resource that is operating space and operating theatres to be used to its maximum efficiency, and to ensure that we treat the greatest number of people that we can in this period in the safest possible way.

We can make sure that patients from different areas can have equality of access to these services and we can minimize the harm. At the same time as this we can probably identify a group of patients for whom waiting for several months for their surgery is the safest thing for them to do, and they can shield at home. And if we can apply some of the radiological guides that we’ve looked at then those patients can be reassured that the safest thing for them is to sit tight at home and wait for something approaching more normal service within our healthcare systems to return. Then they can have their surgery on a safer basis at that time.

Management of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia


If the initial assessment shows that the patient has hypoxia, or a rapid respiratory rate, supplemental oxygen should be given with a goal to maintain the oxygen saturation (SpO2) at 92% to 96%.

Flow Diagram: Management of Oxygen in Patient with COVID-19 Pneumonia

A. Oxygen delivered by nasal cannula (at 2 to 5 L/min) FiO2 25-49%

Nasal Cannula / Prongs

B. If oxygen saturation remains <90% with O2 by nasal cannula at 5 L/m then administer oxygen with simple face mask (at 6-10 L/min) FiO2 40-60%

Simple Face Mask

C. If oxygen saturation remains <90% with simple face mask, administer oxygen with non-rebreather face mask (at 10-15L/min) FiO2 60-95%

Non-Rebreather Facemask

Oxygen delivery systems for different levels of flow

Oxygen delivery systems for different levels of flow

Oxygen weaning protocols

As the patient improves, they may be weaned off oxygen. For patients who are receiving oxygen by nasal cannula, trials of oxygen weaning should be done each shift.

  • Turn off the oxygen completely while monitoring at the bedside with pulse oximetry for at least 5 minutes
  • If oxygen saturation falls below clinical target (92% if no target specified), restart the oxygen at the lowest flow rate necessary to meet the patient’s clinical goal
  • If the patient maintains saturations above clinical target without oxygen, oxygen therapy may be discontinued
  • Monitor oxygen saturation 30 minutes later and then again at 1 hour to ensure saturation remains adequate without oxygen therapy

For patients who are stable and on simple face mask or non-rebreather, trials of oxygen weaning should be done each shift by slowly decreasing oxygen flow until oxygen saturation is between 92% to 96%.

High flow oxygen and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)

  • Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) is not recommended for coronavirus due to lack of demonstrated efficacy as well as the potential for pathogen transmission (there is a higher risk of aerosolisation of particles that can leak into the air around the mask)
  • High flow oxygen can be considered in the situation of respiratory failure and no availability of invasive mechanical ventilation. Due to concerns about the risk of aerosolisation with high flow oxygen, airborne precautions should be instituted when it is used. Patients should wear a face mask over a high flow nasal cannula to reduce the risk of droplet spread

Sources & links

Oxygen therapy with limited resources

COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) and pneumonia

Key points:

  • Practical oxygen therapy
  • Prevent infections in hospital staff

Sources & links

  • World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists | Chart | Link
  • Original chart (PDF)

Prone positioning in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

Background, Rationale and Benefits

The increased utilisation – over the past few decades – of various imaging modalities in the investigation of respiratory disease has provided clinicians with a more robust understanding of the physiology of acute respiratory failure. This laid the foundation for the introduction of prone positioning in the management of ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), a strategy which has been effectively translated to manage patients with COVID-19.

The effectiveness of prone positioning – highlighted in several peer-reviewed studies – results from it shifting intra-abdominal and mediastinal organs anteriorly which reduces alveolar compression, thereby increasing oxygenation and perfusion in the in dorsal lung. This has translated clinically into increases in serum oxygenation (during proning and maintained afterwards) and reduced mortality.

There are however contraindications to the utilisation of prone position, which are discussed in more detail below.

Proning Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

It is important to note that there are risks associated


  • Spinal instability
  • Open chest post cardiac surgery/trauma
  • < 24hrs post cardiac surgery
  • Central cannulation for VA ECMO or BiVAD support


  • Multiple Trauma e.g. Pelvic or Chest fractures, Pelvic fixation device
  • Severe facial fractures
  • Head injury/Raised intracranial pressure
  • Frequent seizures
  • Raised intraocular pressure
  • Recent tracheostomy <24hrs
  • CVS instability despite resuscitation with fluids and inotropes
  • Previously poor tolerance of prone position
  • Morbid obesity
  • Pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester

Application in COVID-19: A Step-by-Step Guide


Is There A Place for Lateral Positioning?

Peer-reviewed data on the effectiveness peer-reviewed on the use of lateral position in patients with acute respiratory disease is limited. However, there have been anecdotal reports of it contributing to reduced mortality when used in the context of COVID-19, making it available as a strategy to consider in time pressured and resource-limited settings.

Sources & links

Intubation and extubation


Source: Intensive Care Society PDF Link

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has seen the critical care community treating
increasing numbers of patients with ARDS over recent weeks, with one Chinese study reporting the prevalence of hypoxic respiratory failure in these patients at around 19%. Approximately 5% of all COVID-19 patients will require mechanical ventilation on an intensive care unit, with a further 14% requiring oxygen therapy.

Internationally, observations of critical care clinicians treating these patients have reported that patients with moderate to severe ARDS appear to have responded well to invasive ventilation in the prone position, leading to prone ventilation being recommended in international guidelines for the management of COVID-19. This corroborates well with the findings of the PROSEVA trial; a recent meta-analysis and a Cochrane Systematic review, all of which support the early use of prone ventilation in patients with moderate to severe ARDS to improve oxygenation and reduce mortality when compared with conventional supine ventilation.

Given the improvement in mechanically ventilated patients, it has been postulated that adopting the prone position for conscious COVID-19 patients requiring basic respiratory support, may also benefit patients in terms of improving oxygenation, reducing the need for invasive ventilation and potentially even reducing mortality.

The traditional supine position adopted by patients lying in hospital beds has long been known to be detrimental to their underlying pulmonary function.

Supine positioning leads to:

  • Over-inflation of the ventral alveoli and atelectasis of the dorsal alveoli (due to an increased trans-pulmonary pressure gradient)
  • Compression of alveoli secondary to direct pressure from the heart and the diaphragm being pushed cranially by the intra-abdominal contents
  • V/Q mismatch – As dorsal alveoli are preferentially perfused due to the gravitational gradient in vascular pressures they are poorly ventilated and highly perfused which manifests as hypoxaemia


The multi-system impact of Sars-CoV-2 has made decisions related to ceilings of care increasingly complex. As in all areas of medicine however, these decisions must be tailored to the particular situation and discussed with patients and/or their next of kin.

Where appropriate, intubation can serve as an invaluable tool in treating patients with sufficient physiological reserve who accordingly have the highest chance of making as full a recovery as is possible.

Sources & links

Intensive Blog | Video Source | https://intensiveblog.com/emergency-intubation-of-covid-19-patient-video/| https://youtu.be/MkUiHfJ9gos

Prevention of complications in critically ill patients


Implement the following interventions (Table below) to prevent complications associated with critical illness. These interventions are generally limited to feasible recommendations based on high-quality evidence.

Anticipated OutcomeInterventions

Reduce days of invasive mechanical ventilation
Use weaning protocols that include daily assessment for readiness to breathe spontaneously
Minimise continuous or intermittent sedation, targeting specific titration endpoints (light sedation unless contraindicated) or with daily interruption of continuous sedative infusions

Reduced incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia
Oral intubation is preferable to nasal intubation in adolescents and adults
Keep patient in semi-recumbent position (head of bed elevation 30- 45 degrees)
Use a closed suctioning system, periodically drain and discard condensate in tubing
Use a new ventilator circuit for each patient, once patient is ventilated, change circuit if it is soiled or damaged but not routinely
Change heat moisture exchanger when it malfunctions, when soiled, or every 5-7 days

Reduce incidence of venous thromboembolism

Use pharmacological prophylaxis (low molecular-weight heparin (preferred if available) or heparin 5000 units subcutaneously twice daily in adolescents and adults without contraindications. For those with contraindications, use mechanical prophylaxis (intermittent pneumatic compression devices)
Reduce incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infection Use checklist with completion verified by a real time observer as reminder of each step needed for sterile insertion and as a daily reminder to remove catheter if no longer needed
Reduce incidence of pressure ulcers Turn the patient every 2 hours
Reduce incidence of stress ulcers and gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding Give early enteral nutrition (within 24-48 hours of admission)
Administer histamine-2 receptor blockers or proton pump inhibitors in patients with risk factors for GI bleeding. Risk factors for GI bleeding include mechanical ventilation for greater than or equal to 48 hours, coagulopathy, renal replacement therapy, liver disease, multiple comorbidities and high organ failure score
Reduce incidence of ICU Actively mobilise patient early in the course of illness when safe to

Table: Prevention of Complications in Critically Ill Patients

Sources & links

  • Jamanetwork | Care for critically ill patients with COVID-19 – care for critically ill patients with COVID-19 | Link

Multi-system organ failure / shock


Note: The diagram is meant to illustrate the overall management of organ failure/shock and does not replace more detailed intensive care guidelines.

  • Manage vasopressors and fluids based on a conservative fluid strategy: give patients smaller volume fluid boluses (15ml/kg instead of 30ml/kg) and, when available, initiate vasoactive medications {e.g. norepinephrine, dopamine) earlier in the course of shock.

Sources & links

  • COVID-19 and multi-organ response | Link

‘ This paper aims to add onto the ever-emerging landscape of medical knowledge on COVID-19, encapsulating its multiorgan impact.’

  • Partners in Health | Flow chart | PIH_Guide_COVID_Part_II_Clinical_Management_6_1
  • Pulitzer Centre | How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes | Pulitzer Centre
  • George Washington University | A 360 degree virtual reality technology to show the damage done to the lungs of a COVID-19 patient, showing a stark contrast between the virus infected abnormal lung tissue and the more healthy adjacent lung tissue. | Video Link

Patient discharge


Discharge criteria for confirmed COVID-19 cases – When is it safe to discharge COVID-19 patients from the hospital or end home isolation?

Below is a review of existing guidance documents and protocols from national and international organisations from the ECDC

Table: Comparison of current guidelines on de-isolation of COVID-19 cases

Symptomatic Cases, Hospitalised
Italy: Ministero della Salute, Consiglio Superiore di SanitàA COVID-19 patient can be considered cured after the resolution of symptoms and 2 negative tests for SARS-CoV-2 at 24-hour intervals

For patients who clinically recover earlier than 7 days after onset, an interval of 7 days between the first and the final test is advised

Note: Virus clearance is defined as viral RNA disappearance from bodily fluids of symptomatic and asymptomatic persons, accompanied by appearance of specific IgG
China: CDC
Diagnosis and treatment
protocol for COVID-19 patients
(trial version 7, revised)
Patients meeting the following criteria can be discharged if:
Afebrile for >3 days
Improved respiratory symptoms
Pulmonary imaging shows obvious absorption of inflammation, and
Nucleic acid tests negative for respiratory tract pathogen twice consecutively (sampling interval
≥ 24 hours)

After discharge, patients are recommended to continue 14 days of isolation management and health monitoring, wear a mask, live in a single room with good ventilation, reduce close contact with family members, eat separately, keep hands clean and avoid outdoor activities

It is recommended that discharged patients should have follow-up visits after 2 and 4 weeks
Singapore: National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID)
De-isolation of COVID-19 suspect cases: link
Discharge patient with advisory and clinic follow-up if indicated and with daily wellness calls until day 14 after last possible exposure, under the following conditions:
Afebrile ≥ 24 hours
2 respiratory samples tested negative for SARSCoV-2 by PCR in ≥ 24 hours
Day of illness from onset ≥ 6 days
Alternative aetiology found (e.g. influenza,
Not a close contact of a COVID-19 case
Does not require in-patient care for other reasons
Interim guidance for discontinuation of transmission based precautions and disposition of hospitalised patients with COVID-19: link
Negative rRT-PCR results from at least 2 consecutive sets of nasopharyngeal and throat swabs collected ≥ 24 hours apart from a patient with COVID-19 (a total of four negative specimens)

AND resolution of fever, without use of antipyretic medication, improvement in signs and symptoms of illness

Note: Decision to be taken on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians and public health officials


When deciding on criteria for hospital discharge of COVID-19 patients, health authorities should take into account several factors such as the existing capacity of the healthcare system, laboratory diagnostic resources, and the current epidemiological situation.

Sources & links

  • ecdc.europa.eu | Discharge criteria for confirmed COVID-19 cases – When is it safe to discharge COVID-19 cases from the hospital or end home isolation? | PDF LINK

Cleaning & disinfection guidelines


The purpose of this WHO document is to provide guidance on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19.

This guidance is intended for healthcare and public health professionals and health authorities that are developing and implementing policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs) on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19.


Sources & links

  • WHO | Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 | LINK

Acceptable disinfectants


This page provides guidance on environmental cleaning in healthcare and non-healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is essential to establish procedures for the correct disinfection of environments that could have been contaminated with SARS-CoV-2.


In general, alcohol-based disinfectants (ethanol, propan-2-ol, propan1-ol) have been shown to significantly reduce infectivity of enveloped viruses like SARS-CoV-2, in concentrations of 70-80% with one minute exposure time. However, ethanol has not yet been approved under the BPR, so biocidal products based on ethanol are not authorised under the BPR but are available under transitional measures.

Cleaning options for healthcare settings after the management of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19

Healthcare setting areas (patient rooms, waiting areas, procedure rooms, resuscitation rooms) where a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 has been assessed or hospitalised should be first ventilated well.

• Rooms where aerosol generating procedures (AGMPs) have been performed (bag-valve ventilation, intubation, administration of nebulised medicines, bronchoscopy, etc.) need to be ventilated with fresh air for 1–3 hours, if they are not functioning under negative pressure, before cleaning and admitting new patient(s).

• In buildings where windows do not open and the ventilation system functions in a closed circuit,
High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration should be used for the recycled air. Other options may include, after expert engineering advice: placing temporary HEPA filters over the vents and exhausts in the rooms housing COVID-19 patients or using a portable HEPA air filtration system placed in close proximity to where the patient was located.

• After ventilation, the above mentioned areas should be carefully cleaned with a neutral detergent, followed by decontamination of surfaces using a disinfectant effective against viruses. Several products with virucidal activity are licensed in the national markets and can be used following the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, 0.05% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)1 (dilution 1:100, if household bleach is used, which is usually at an initial concentration of 5%) is suggested. For surfaces that can be damaged by sodium hypochlorite, products based on ethanol (at least 70%) can be used for decontamination after leaning with a neutral detergent.

• Cleaning of toilets, bathroom sinks and sanitary facilities need to be carefully performed, avoiding splashes. Disinfection should follow normal cleaning using a disinfectant effective against viruses, or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite.

• All textiles (e.g. towels, bed linens, curtains, etc.) should be washed using a hot-water cycle (90°C) with regular laundry detergent. If a hot-water cycle cannot be used due to the characteristics of the material, bleach or other laundry products for decontamination of textiles need to be added to the wash cycle.

Cleaning options for different settings

Healthcare SettingNon-Healthcare SettingGeneral Settings
Surfaces• Neutral detergent AND
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.05% sodium hypochlorite OR
• 70% ethanol
• Neutral detergent AND
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.05% sodium hypochlorite OR
• 70% ethanol
• Neutral detergent
Toilets• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.1% sodium hypochlorite
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.1% sodium hypochlorite
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.1% sodium hypochlorite
Textiles• Hot-water cycle (90°C) AND
• regular laundry detergent
• Alternative: lower temperature
cycle + bleach or other laundry
• Hot-water cycle (90°C) AND
• regular laundry detergent
• Alternative: lower temperature
cycle + bleach or other laundry
Cleaning Equipment• Single-use disposable OR
• Non-disposable disinfected with:
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.1% sodium hypochlorite
• Single-use disposable OR
• Non-disposable disinfected with:
• Virucidal disinfectant OR
• 0.1% sodium hypochlorite
• Single-use disposable OR
• Non-disposable cleaned at the end of cleaning session
PPE for Cleaning Staff• Surgical mask
• Disposable long-sleeved waterresistant gown
• Gloves
• FFP2 or 3 when cleaning facilities where AGMPs have been performed
• Surgical mask
• Uniform and plastic apron
• Gloves
• Uniform
• Gloves
Waste Management• Infectious clinical waste category B
• In a separate bag in the unsorted garbage• Unsorted garbage
Source ECDC

Sources & links

  • ECDC | Technical report: disinfection of environments in healthcare and nonhealthcare settings potentially contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 (March 2020) | LINK PDF
  • ECHA | For more information and for an indicative list of authorised disinfectant products | https://echa.europa.eu/covid-19.

Cleaning the patient room


How to clean rooms during a patient stay, and after they have been transferred or discharged

1. While the patient is in the room

Cleaning and decontamination should only be performed by staff trained in the use of the appropriate PPE. In some instances this may need to be trained clinical staff rather than domestic staff, in which case clinical staff may require additional training on standards and order of cleaning.

After cleaning with neutral detergent, a chlorine-based disinfectant should be used, in the form of a solution at a minimum strength of 1,000ppm available chlorine. If an alternative disinfectant is used within the organisation, the local infection prevention and control team (IPCT) should be consulted on this to ensure that this is effective against enveloped viruses. Manufacturers’ guidance and recommended product ‘contact time’ must be followed for all cleaning/disinfectant solutions/products.

The main patient isolation room should be cleaned at least twice daily. Body fluid spills should be decontaminated promptly.

To ensure the appropriate use of PPE and that an adequate level of cleaning is undertaken which is consistent with the recommendations in this document, it is strongly recommended that cleaning of isolation areas is undertaken separately to the cleaning of other clinical areas.

Dedicated or disposable equipment (such as mop heads, cloths) must be used for environmental decontamination. Reusable equipment (such as mop handles, buckets) must be decontaminated after use with a chlorine-based disinfectant as described above. Communal cleaning trollies should not enter the room.

How hospitals clean rooms between COVID-19 patients

2. Cleaning the room once the patient has been discharged or left the room

Before entering the room, perform hand hygiene then put on a disposable plastic apron and gloves. If a risk assessment indicates that a higher level of contamination may be present or there is visible contamination with body fluids, then the need for additional PPE should be considered.

  • Collect all cleaning equipment and healthcare waste bags before entering the room
  • The person responsible for undertaking the cleaning with detergent and disinfectant should be trained in the process
  • Remove all healthcare waste and any other disposable items
  • Treat bedding and bed screens as infectious linen; do not shake linen and avoid all necessary agitation
  • Clean patient care equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions, and where possible with chlorine-based disinfectant, 70% alcohol or an alternative disinfectant used within the organisation that is effective against enveloped viruses; where equipment is not readily amenable to cleaning, such as blood pressure cuffs, it should be disposed of to waste
  • Clean all surfaces, beds and bathrooms with a neutral detergent, followed by a chlorine-based disinfectant, in the form of a solution at a minimum strength of 1,000ppm available chlorine
  • If an alternative disinfectant is used within the organisation, the local IPCT should be consulted on this to ensure that this is effective against enveloped viruses
  • Particular attention is needed to cleaning of toilets/bathrooms as COVID-19 has been frequently found to contaminate surfaces in these areas
  • Use dedicated or disposable equipment (such as mop heads, cloths) for environmental decontamination and dispose of them as infectious clinical waste
  • Reusable equipment (such as mop handles, buckets) must be decontaminated after use
  • Communal cleaning trollies should not enter the room

Sources & links

  • gov.uk | Reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the hospital setting| Link

Waste & laundry

Introduction / overview

Large volumes of waste may be generated by frequent use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Dispose of all waste as infectious clinical waste


No special procedures are required; linen is categorised as ‘used’ or ‘infectious’.

All linen used in the direct care of patients with possible and confirmed COVID-19 should be managed as ‘infectious’ linen. Linen must be handled, transported and processed in a manner that prevents exposure to the skin and mucous membranes of staff, contamination of their clothing and the environment. This means that:

  • Disposable gloves and an apron should be worn when handling infectious linen
  • All linen should be handled inside the patient room/cohort area; a laundry receptacle should be available as close as possible to the point of use for immediate linen deposit

When handling linen:

  • Do not rinse, shake or sort linen on removal from beds/trolleys
  • Do not place used/infectious linen on the floor or any other surfaces such as a locker/table top
  • Do not re-handle used/infectious linen once bagged
  • Do not overfill laundry receptacles
  • Do not place inappropriate items, such as used equipment/needles, in the laundry receptacle

When managing infectious linen:

  • Place directly into a water-soluble/alginate bag and secure
  • Place the water-soluble bag inside a clear polythene bag and secure
  • Place the polythene bag into in the appropriately coloured (as per local policy) linen bag (hamper)

All linen bags/receptacles must be tagged with ward/care area and date. Store all used/infectious linen in a designated, safe, lockable area whilst awaiting uplift.

Staff uniforms

The appropriate use of PPE will protect staff uniforms from contamination in most circumstances. Healthcare facilities should provide changing rooms/areas where staff can change into uniforms on arrival at work.

Organisations may consider the use of theatre scrubs for staff who do not usually wear a uniform but who are likely to come into close contact with patients (for example, medical staff).

Healthcare laundry services should be used to launder staff uniforms if there is capacity to do so. If there is no laundry facility available then uniforms should be transported home in a disposable plastic bag or a reusable cloth bag that can be laundered. Hand hygiene should be performed after removing a uniform and placing it into a bag for transport. Plastic bags should be disposed of into the household waste stream. Cloth bags should be laundered with the uniform.

Uniforms should be laundered:

  • Separately from other household linen
  • In a load of no more than half the machine capacity
  • At the maximum temperature the fabric can tolerate, then ironed or tumble-dried

Note: It is best practice to change into and out of uniforms at work and not wear them when travelling. This is based on public perception rather than evidence of an infection risk. This does not apply to community health workers who are required to travel between patients in the same uniform.

Sources & links

  • Public Health England | Reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the hospital setting | Link
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